Increased reliability and scalability
BitTitan’s MigrationWiz moves all your workloads to Microsoft 365 or Google Workspace. Easily migrate Teams, SharePoint, OneDrive, Shared Drive, Google Drive, PST files, mail and more.
Kickdrum implemented auto-scaling for a non-cloud native, long running and sticky workload that was previously thought to be impossible.
Autoscaling a workload that wasn’t designed for the cloud
After successfully repairing the “job assignment” feature, Kickdrum implemented auto-scaling on Azure for a workload traditionally incompatible with cloud scalability. This strategic enhancement significantly reduced both the infrastructure spend and the manual labor previously required for the oversight and optimization of virtual machine resources.
Robust M365 migrations that don’t crack under large volumes
Addressing the challenge of unpredictable issues in MigrationWiz's M365 integrations, Kickdrum conducted an exhaustive analysis of the underlying workflow. We pinpointed and rectified previously unrecognized erroneous assumptions, significantly bolstering the reliability and consistency of M365 migrations, particularly under conditions of high volume demand.