AI to turn contracts into competitive advantage


The law firm of JonesSpross has developed a high value, high touch experience while incorporating process efficiencies and a global 24/7 workforce to deliver unmatched service at more competitive costs and shorter timeframes than traditional firms.


Legal Expertise, M&A


Rapid Prototyping
Machine Learning
Generative AI

Business Impact

Speed and Differentiation



Existing rule-based solutions are inadequate

Current legal tools require significant manual effort to maintain guidelines and ensure consistency. They don’t have a memory, and can’t adapt to new strategies.


Kickdrum used LLMs and Generative AI for faster and better feedback

With a new Generative AI approach using GPT-4, Jones & Spross can unlock dramatic time savings and productivity improvements while maintaining quality and consistency.

Automated contract analysis

The system analyzes contracts without manual input to answer questions, identify inconsistencies, and recommend improvements.

AI-enabled “surgical drafting”

Using a library of prompts designed to apply a deal-specific posture, clauses are drafted to achieve specific objectives. The system has memory, learns from prior interactions, and improves over time.

“Analyzing and drafting thousands of contracts is a manual, costly, and time-consuming process. AI will change everything about that.”


Lance Jones
Founding Partner, JonesSpross


Ready to get started with Kickdrum?


Decreasing time and resources for packet creation and delivery


25% in validated monthly AWS savings