Mission critical M&A negotiation and comprehensive cloud migration planning


Centerbridge is a private investment management firm with a flexible approach to investing across Private Equity, Distressed & Special Situations and Real Estate. Their proven philosophy is predicated on generating enduring value through economic cycles.


Private Equity


Technology Diligence
Sign-To-Close Negotiation
Cloud Migration Planning

Business Impact

Risk Mitigation
Cost Optimization


Identified mission critical assets and negotiated technology agreements


Diligence + critical negotiation support

When Centerbridge carved out IBM’s marketing platform and commerce offerings, Kickdrum performed pre-transaction diligence and sign-to-close negotiation that helped our client discover and quantify assets that needed to be part of the deal and originally were not.

Through in-depth exhibit review and real-time negotiation support, Kickdrum helped Centerbridge ensure the deal was comprehensive and that our client would receive everything they needed to support their assets immediately and into the future.

Risk identification and mitigation

Kickdrum helped Centerbridge navigate the critical moments leading up to the close of the investment. Our strategies helped our client align teams to the most valuable outcomes for the new realities of the business.


Comprehensive migration plans to beat deadlines for data center exit


Massive migration acceleration

As the new entity Acoustic was organized, Kickdrum lead the detailed planning, estimation, and cloud vendor selection for a massive migration that included 8 full-stack products in 12 global data centers on more than 6,300 servers.

Kickdrum’s approach helped to free the new company from the constraints, costs, and conflicts of IBM’s data centers and Oracle’s databases in less than 12 months.

From legacy to cloud-powered

Kickdrum helped Acoustic engage with AWS to beat deadlines for data center exit that saved millions of dollars in minimum spend/renewals/punitive licensing. The new AWS approach increased the performance and resilience of the platform, decreased the overall cost and operational burden drastically, and unlocked new analytics capabilities, speed, and scale.

Ready to get started with Kickdrum?


Unlocking $3.1M in annual cloud savings


Rapid product innovation lowered costs by 58% and increased growth